Just in time for the 2006 golf season - An innovative new golf training aid helps golfers hit the right divot every time!

Released on = March 28, 2006, 9:08 pm

Press Release Author = Jason Kline - SVP/Sales and Marketing

Industry = Retail

Press Release Summary = The Divot-RiteT is an innovative golf training aid and
game-improvement device which allows the average golfer to increase the consistency
of good ball striking.

Press Release Body = Denver, CO - March, 29 2006 - Adaptive Products, Inc.,
introduces their newest product the Divot-RiteT, just in time for the 2006 golf
season. The Divot-RiteT is an innovative golf training aid and game-improvement
device which allows the average golfer to increase the consistency of good ball

Hitting \"fat\" is a common fault that can afflict any player's swing. The Divot-RiteT
prevents the club head from penetrating the turf before contact with the golf ball,
eliminating \"fat\" hits. It also helps align the club head to the proper plane,
improving shot accuracy and reducing golf ball sidespin. Taking a correct divot, as
well as taking it in the right location, is considered critical for good ball
striking. The Divot-RiteT increases the distance and accuracy of a golf swing that,
without it, would have resulted in a \"fat\" hit.

\"Unlike most of the golf training aids and game-improvement products on the market,
the Divot-RiteT is convenient to use during an actual round of golf\", said Adaptive
Products, Inc. Co-CEO, Ken Maruska. \"The product is simple, yet effective, and fits
into a golf bag or pants pocket. Placement for use takes only a few seconds."

\"There are also several uses for the Divot-RiteT within the promotional products
market\", added Co-CEO, Eric Johnson. \"Companies spend thousands of dollars per year
promoting name recognition at golf-related events. It is an excellent and affordable
tool to increase corporate exposure."

In addition to the swing benefits, the Divot-RiteT also aids in establishing correct
stance alignment. A number of swing faults can be directly attributed to poor
alignment. The Divot-RiteT provides an excellent method of alignment by utilizing
the golf ball (a known position) as an initial reference point for the target line.
Orienting the Divot-RiteT on the intended target line provides the golfer a visual
reference to establish proper stance alignment for the shot being made.

The Divot-RiteT can be purchased online ($9.99), by visiting www.divotrite.com

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Web Site = http://www.divotrite.com

Contact Details = CONTACT:
Jason Kline - SVP/Sales and Marketing
Adaptive Products, Inc.
Ph: 720-255-6533
Email: info@divotrite.com

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